Lock LP/Tokens
Introduction to our locker UI and guide for using ApexPad to lock your LP/Tokens.
Last updated
Introduction to our locker UI and guide for using ApexPad to lock your LP/Tokens.
Last updated
When you have successfully created liquidity for your project and are ready to lock it, this guide is all you need. At the moment, ApexPad only supports locking for LP/tokens on Injective (INJ), Solana (SOL), Sei (SEI), and Near (NEAR) Protocol, so continue to this guide if you have a project in these chains. However, We are working on expanding our support for other networks soon.
First, let us familiarize you with the locker details preview UI. This interface shows you all the details of an active token locker. If you want to see the details of other tokens, you can use the same UI to check. On ApexPad, each locked LP/Token has a dedicated page like this.
The screenshots below show two instances - (i) when an LP/Token is locked and (ii) when a token locker has finished its lock period.
When a project has its LP locked and active, you can see data on the price, LP pair/token, lock schedule, percentage or supply locked, and owner's address. Below is a reference:
Try it yourself. Visit SLOMO's LP locker details page here. Please note that the named project on this page is just a demo and should not be bought or purchased.
When a project has completed its lock period, you can see the token locker details, percentage or supply locked, owner's address, and the lock status as completed. Below is a reference.
Try it yourself. Visit SHLOMO's token locker details page here. Please note that the named project on this page is just a demo and should not be bought or purchased.
Now, let's walk through how to successfully lock your LP/tokens. It is a simple 4-step process as shown below, after you have connected your wallet and accessed the Token Locker Dashboard on ApexPad.
Below is a stage-by-stage procedure for locking LP/tokens in ApexPad.
First, go to the token locker dashboard on https://app.apexpad.finance/sol/locker
Connect your wallet on Solana to access the token locker UI.
Now you have accessed the token locker dashboard and can see your SOL balance, unlockable token amount, active token lockers (if you already have an active token locker), and the "NEW LOCKER +++" button, which is our next target. Click on this button to begin the process of locking your LP/token.
Here, you can fill in the fields to customize your locker. Give it a name, select the token/LP you wish to lock, and enter the total amount to be locked.
An "Unlock Schedule" is the time you want your locked tokens released. Simply put, you are telling ApexPad to release your locked LP/tokens by a date you set. Set the lock to run for a month, two, or more using the date picker. Remember the fees for locking apply here. Longer lock periods mean more trust and safety for your project.
Set the time you want the unlocking to happen.
The fields are editable. so you can modify your locker name, token/LP, and amount being locked. Click "NEXT" to proceed to the review.
This page allows you to review your new token locker before locking it. You can click "BACK" to go to the previous step. If all is good, click the "LOCK TOKENS" button.
Clicking the "LOCK TOKENS" button from the previous stage will prompt your wallet to display a confirmation request like the screenshot below. Confirm the transaction and you have now successfully locked your token with ApexPad for a scheduled period! In this case, we locked 500USDC-Dev for a month. Of course, in your case, you would be locking a proportion of your project's LP or token supply.
When you have successfully locked your LP/tokens, go to your dashboard, and you will see details of your created locker or existing lockers in "Your Token Lockers" section. This section shows all the information regarding your locked LP/Token including the locker ID, start date, end date (time your LP/Token will be released), and the amount locked.
If you want to add more lock time to your token locker or increase the locked pool or supply of your liquidity and tokens, these are the following procedures.
Alternatively, if you are already on the locker details page, click "Manage" at the top-right corner to open the dropdown as shown below.
There are two options here - "Unlock" and "Update Locker" - but since you want to either extend the lock period or add more LP or tokens to the locker, you should select "Update Locker" .
After you have opened the "Update Locker details" page, you will see two fields. In the first field titled Additional Tokens Amount
, enter the number of tokens you want to add to the locker, and in the second field titled Extend Locker Release Period
, choose the new date you want to increase the locking period till.
You may leave one of the fields empty or unaltered if you want only to update the other. For example, suppose you want to increase the number of tokens only and not the lock period. In that case, you can fill in the "additional tokens amount" field and leave the release period as originally set.
Click on the "UPDATE LOCKER" button to save your settings and confirm your transaction. You have successfully updated your Token Locker.
Under "Your Token Lockers" where your active locks are shown, click the three dots on any token locker you wish to update. The dropdown will show the "Unlock" and "Update Locker" options. Click "Update Locker".